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Tues 3rd Sept

Term begins; No Swimming this week; After School Care and Breakfast Club begin

Mon 16th Sept

Open Mornings all week from Monday to Friday for prospective parents to view the school.

An appointment is essential so please book for a visit.

Fri 27th Sept

Macmillan Fund Raising Raffle and coffee morning 11am-12 - Children are encouraged to bring money for raffle tickets to raise money for this wonderful charity

Mon 30th Sept

Harvest Festival at Central Methodist Church at 9am. All are invited to join us in this short celebration and bring harvest gifts which will be distributed following the service.

Mon 16th Oct

Open Mornings all week from Monday to Friday for prospective parents to view the school.

An appointment is essential so please book for a visit.

Fri 18th Oct

School Closes at 1.30pm for Staff Training

Mon 21st-

Fri 25th Oct

Half Term Holiday

Mon 4th Nov

Parents Evening from 3.45pm onwards - online appointments

Tues 12th Nov

November Hop Social Event hosted by FQS

6.30-8pm in the Hall

Thurs 14th Nov

Whole School Art Day

Fri 15th Nov

School Closed for Occasional Day (as reward and appreciation for Speech Day)

Mon 18th Nov

Open Mornings all week from Monday to Friday for prospective parents to view the school.

An appointment is essential so please book for a visit.

Fri 29th Nov

Carol singing in Morley AM

Christmas Fair at School 2pm-4pm - all welcome

Fri 6th Dec

Nativity Play in Church Hall at 2pm

No club or after school care 

Tues 10th Dec

School closes at 2.30pm

Carol Service at Methodist Church at 7pm

Wed 11th Dec

Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Lunch
No Swimming today

Thurs 12th Dec

Upper Juniors' Christmas Play presented to the children in school

Fri 13th Dec

Non Uniform Day

1.30pm - 3.45pm Christmas Party at Wesley Hall

End of Term - Please collect children from Wesley hall at 3.45pm

Autumn Term

Mon 6th Jan

Term begins; No Swimming this week; After School Care and Breakfast Club begin

Mon 22nd Jan

Open Mornings all week from Monday to Friday for prospective parents to view the school.

An appointment is essential so please book for a visit.

Mon 10th Feb

3.30 - 4pm Valentines Cake Stall and Café

Homemade cakes in aid of school funds

Fri 14th Feb

School Closes at 1.30pm for staff training

Mon 17th-

Fri 21st Feb

Half Term Holiday

Tues 25th Feb

International Evening in the church hall from 6.30-8pm:
an event to celebrate our inclusive family and all are most welcome

 Mon 3rd Mar

Open Mornings all week from Monday to Friday for prospective parents to view the school. An appointment is essential so please book for a visit.

Thurs 6th Mar

World Book Day - children can dress as a book characterReading and Literacy activities throughout the day

Thurs 13th Mar

Whole School Art Day

Tues 18th Mar

2.30pm School closes early to prepare for the Spring Revue at 7pm in Wesley Hall -

all pupils to attend this informal feast of music and entertainment

Fri 21st Mar

Proposed date for English Speaking Board examinations for Juniors

Mon 7th Apr - Thurs 10th Apr

Non-uniform Wed 9th Apr (£1)
No Swimming this last week of term. Breakfast Club still available each day
After School Care available

End of Term - Please collect children from school at 2pm

Spring Term

Tues 29th Apr

Term begins; No Clubs or Swimming this week; After School Care and Breakfast Club begin

Mon 5th May

School closed for Bank Holiday

Mon 12th-
Fri 16th May

Open Mornings all week from Monday to Friday for prospective parents to view the school.
An appointment is essential so please book for a visit

Tues 20th May

7pm performance of the school play in the Wesley Hall. School closes at 2.30 today for all children. 

Thurs 23rd May

Interhouse Quiz AM
Grandparents' Afternoon Tea in the school at 2pm

Fri 23rd May

School closes at 1.30pm for staff training

Mon 26th - 30th May

Half Term Holiday

Thurs 5th June

Whole School Art Day

Tues 10th June

Sports Day pm

Fri 13th June

Summer Fair from 2-4pm and all are welcome to come and enjoy the garden party event

Mon 16 th June

Proposed date of whole school trip (details confirmed nearer the time)

Summer Term

Fri 20th June

Inter-House Quiz am, Grandparents' Afternoon Tea pm

Tues 24th June

Music Competition 2pm in the church hall

Tues1st July

Summer Swing FQS Social in the evening from 6.30-8pm

Fri 4th July

Thanksgiving Service at 9am in the church, Coffee Morning at school in aid of Guide Dogs 11-23
Queenswood's Got Talent 2pm at the hall

Tues 8th July

School Closes at 2.30pm for Speech Day in the hall at 7pm, all children to attend 

Wed 9th July

Non-uniform day (£1)

Thurs 10th July

School Closes at 2pm for Summer Holiday

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